A glimpse into the child rights issues and need for sustainability factors calls for grassroot linkages to bring a convergence in the child protection system.
Looking into this aspect the District Child Protection Unit, Sonitpur decided to host 1day orientation program for the members & Stakeholders on Block level/ Village Level & Ward Level committee formation today on 29th of September 21 at District Library Tezpur Assam.

The program witnessed participation from Panchayats & 7 Development blocks from Dhekiajuli,Naduar,BorsolaBihaguri, Gabharu, Rangapara & Balipara.Officials from Labour Education & members of civil society organization attend the program. Eminent resource person Ms.Krishnamoni Bordoloi,Visiting Faculty of Child rights Tezpur University & Ms Abha Borah,Advocate & Legal counsel of District Legal service Authority, Sonitpur shared their views with introspection on various child rights committee formation & laws governing child protection.The program ended with a positive note with comments from the participants to usher a new path towards protection of rights of every child.