27 January, Thursday: A Ceremonial Distribution of ‘Take Home Ration’ of 17 Anganwadi Centres under Tezpur Urban ICDS Project was held today in presence of Asst. Commissioner and i/c District Social Welfare Officer Kabita Phangshu, Principal of Tezpur Academy School Jitendra Nath Kalita, Vice Principal of Tezpur Academy School Mridul Sharma, Amitabh Saikia, District Secretary BJP, Sonitpur, District Coordinator Poshan Abhiyaan, Sonitpur Nabadeep Borah, Ward members, i/c CDPO Chintamoni Goswami, Tezpur Urban ICDS Project, Supervisors, Poshan Staff and Anganwadi Workers and Helpers.
The ceremonial distribution was conducted with the objective to create awareness regarding the ‘THR scheme’ among all beneficiaries and the community.
Since the covid pandemic all AWW have been distributing take home rations to all beneficiaries to remove malnourishment so that all children, pregnant women and lactating mothers receive nutritious food. The amount of the THR was as per the guidelines given by the government all over the state.