All Assam Law Students’ Association demands exam via Online mode ; memorandum submitted

The All Assam Law Students’ Association(AALSA) has submitted a memorandum through mail to the Vice Chancellor and Examination Controller of Gauhati University requesting to conduct
5 years LLB 3 years LL.B and LLM Examinations via Online Mode.
AALSA has shed light on the fact that most of the students are from outside Assam and in this pandemic situation it would be difficult for them to attend offline examinations. It has also been mentioned that the students would be using public transport for attending exams and in such a case there is a high chance of students getting affected by Covid-19. Also mass-gathering of students for offline exams is a threat to both their health as well as people around them as there is high chances of spreading and getting infected by Covid-19.

The sudden and rapid increase in the number of Covid-19 cases has created a sense of fear in the minds of the students regarding their health and vulnerability to the virus.
In such an unprecedented situation, it will be crucial for the concerned authorities to come out with a definite answer to the calls of the students.