Beware ! Unrecognised institutions are providing invalid degrees, warns Assam State Dental Council

The Assam State Dental Council brings up a very critical concern regarding the future of aspiring dentists. In a statement communicated to the parents and guardians of the North East region, the Council has pleaded to them to verify the validity of recognition of institutions before admitting their children in the private colleges run by some societies, agencies and educational consultancy services etc.
It has come to the notice of the council that a large number of applications are coming for registration of dental qualifications obtained mostly from private institutions, outside the State particularly from Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan etc.

It is important for the parents and guardians to note that any government or private institution conducting BDS, MDS and also certificate courses like Dental Mechanic and Dental Hygienist must possess updated recognition by the Central Government issued by gazette notification on the recommendation of the Dental Council of India, New Delhi.
The council has witnessed that recently some of the institutions vaguely mention in the pass certificates that their institution is a recognised one, without citing the number and date of the gazette notification for recognition. Therefore, the concerned citizens should be extra careful before admitting their child to any such private institutions.