In the absence of information about the rules of Indian Railways to the general public of our country and state, many benefits are not taken advantage of by the general public. One of my efforts is to make the common citizens aware of the concessions and rules. All these rules will be available at the railway ticket window or reservation counter. To avail the concession, you will have to show the complete official papers related to it, so that the railway officer can issue you the appropriate concession ticket. Information is being shared on concessions only for the following major categories of needs. For a variety of other concessions, please contact the relevant authorities. I hope my small effort will be of some use to you. The information available on the railway website is also being made accessible to all of you through print media in simple language. Lastly, if there are any changes in the rules from time to time, please obtain information from the railway officer.
- Disabled Passengers:
- Orthopaedically Handicapped/Paraplegic persons who cannot travel without an escort – for any purpose:
- 75% concession in Second, Sleeper, First Class, AC 3-tier, AC Chair Car
- 50% concession in First AC and AC 2-tier
- 25% concession in AC 3-tier and AC Chair Car of Rajdhani/Shatabdi trains
- 50% concession in First and Second class Monthly Season Ticket & Quarterly Season Ticket
- One escort eligible for the same element of concession
- Mentally retarded persons who cannot travel without an escort – for any purpose:
- Same as above (DO)
- Blind persons traveling alone or with an escort – for any purpose:
- Same as above (DO)
- Deaf & Dumb persons (both afflictions together in the same person) traveling alone or with an escort – for any purpose:
- 50% concession in Second, Sleeper, and First Class
- 50% concession in First and Second class Monthly Season Ticket & Quarterly Season Ticket
- One escort eligible for the same element of concession
- Orthopaedically Handicapped/Paraplegic persons who cannot travel without an escort – for any purpose:
- Patients:
- Cancer patients traveling alone or with an escort for treatment/periodic check-up:
- 75% concession in Second, First Class, and AC Chair Car
- 100% concession in Sleeper and AC 3-tier
- 50% concession in First AC and AC 2-tier
- One escort eligible for the same element of concession (except in Sleeper and AC 3-tier where the escort gets 75%)
- Thalassemia patients traveling alone or with an escort for treatment/periodic check-up:
- 75% concession in Second, Sleeper, First Class, AC 3-tier, AC Chair Car
- 50% concession in First AC and AC 2-tier
- One escort eligible for the same element of concession
- Heart patients traveling alone or with an escort for heart surgery:
- Same as above (DO)
- Kidney patients traveling alone or with an escort for kidney transplant operation/dialysis:
- Same as above (DO)
- Haemophilia patients – severe & moderate form of disease – traveling alone or with an escort for treatment/periodic check-up:
- 75% concession in Second, Sleeper, First Class, AC 3-tier, AC Chair Car
- One escort eligible for the same element of concession
- T.B./Lupus Vulgaris patients traveling alone or with an escort for treatment/periodic check-up:
- 75% concession in Second, Sleeper, and First Class
- One escort eligible for the same element of concession
- Non-infectious Leprosy patients traveling alone or with an escort for treatment/periodic check-up:
- 75% concession in Second, Sleeper, and First Class
- AIDS patients for treatment/check-up at nominated ART Centers:
- 50% concession in Second Class
- Ostomy patients – traveling for any purpose:
- 50% concession in First and Second class Monthly Season Ticket & Quarterly Season Ticket
- Sickle Cell Anemia patients – for treatment/periodic check-up:
- 50% concession in Sleeper, AC Chair Car, AC 3-tier, and AC 2-tier
- Aplastic Anemia patients – for treatment/periodic check-up:
- 50% concession in Sleeper, AC Chair Car, AC 3-tier, and AC 2-tier
- Cancer patients traveling alone or with an escort for treatment/periodic check-up:
By: Rajendra Bhati, Tezpur
Secretary North Assam Distributors Association, Tezpur
Chairman Railway Committee North Assam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Tezpur