An orientation on Covid19 vaccination for all SDM&HOs, i/c UPHCs, BPMs/ urban coordinators was held today in the new conference hall of the Deputy Commissioner’s office here today to plan and strategise ways to vaccinate left out persons with Covid 19 vaccine. The data of total number of persons along with name, village, etc., were placed in the meeting where all officials involved in the vaccination process were asked to identify pockets/ villages where health professionals were facing resistance on this front.

The health officials were asked to maintain necessary coordination with Anganwadi and ASHA workers and pursue refusal cases in order to achieve 100% vaccination in the district.
Deputy Commissioner Bhupesh Chandra Das asked all present to adhere to the timeline fixed by Hon’ble CM and achieve the target before November 29.

ADCs Dyotiva Bora, Pankaj Nagbanshi, Jt Dir Health, Dr. J Ahmed, Dr. Phani Pathak, Dr. Biman Sharma and other health department officials were present in today’s meeting.