Defence Research Laboratory (DRL), Tezpur, the only DRDO lab in Northeast India, celebrated its 63rd Lab Raising Day on 21st November 2024. Dr. Bidyut Chandan Deka, Vice Chancellor of Assam Agricultural University (AAU), Jorhat, was the Chief Guest. Shri Ankur Bharali, District Commissioner of Sonitpur, and Brig. Saurabh Joshi, Cdr 375 Comp Arty Bde, were Guests of Honor.

The moment was made more special by the presence of retired officers and staff of DRL at DRL’s 63rd Lab Raising Day celebration. A video documentary highlighting DRL’s journey, research activities, and achievements over the past year was showcased.
The program commenced with a welcome address by Director, DRL Dev Vrat Kamboj, who reflected on the achievements made by DRL in the last year in his 63rd Lab Raising Day address. He also emphasized the importance of reformation and transformation to optimize the performance of the R&D organization.

Brig. Saurabh Joshi, in his address, commended DRL for its significant contributions to nation-building and for providing innovative technological solutions to challenges faced by Army personnel in Northeast India.
Dr. Deka praised the remarkable R&D efforts of DRL and highlighted the importance of fostering a fruitful collaboration between DRL and AAU to drive innovative research and achieve shared goals in future endeavors.