Tezpur, 31st Oct: Young and enthusiastic lad from Tezpur completed a solo-cycling trip from Tezpur to Ghy and back in just three days. 20 year-old Joy Saha, a resident of Lachit Chowk area paddled through the streets to raise awareness to stop killing of stray animals and that citizens should be friendly with Nature.

Saha started his ride from Tezpur on 28th Oct and stayed at Ghy on 29th October and finally returned back to Tezpur on 30th October. Besides, he also addressed the need to take measures on reducing pollution, asks to – Go green and Keep Cycling.

This is also appreciative in a way when the petrol prices are witnessing a constant hike and thus may be the perfect time when we can take up cycling, atleast to cover the short distances rather than burning the fuel.