Prohibitory Orders Issued in Sonitpur for Lok Sabha Polls 2024

In light of the guidelines set forth by the Election Commission of India, the District Magistrate of Sonitpur, Shri Deba Kumar Mishra, has promulgated a prohibitory order to ensure peaceful conduct during the General election to Lok Sabha, 2024. The following restrictions apply throughout Sonitpur district:
- Assembly of five or more persons in any public places is prohibited.
- Unlawful assemblies and holding public meetings are not allowed during the 48 hours ending with the closure of the poll (from 05:00 PM on 17/04/2024).
- Presence of political functionaries, party workers, procession functionaries, and campaign personnel from outside the constituency is restricted.
- Inflammatory, communal, racist, or caste/class-inclined speeches/slogans, as well as the display of such messages through banners, posters, or wall writing, are prohibited.
- Canvassing for votes or exhibiting election-related materials, including party symbols, slogans, etc., within the polling station premises on the day of the poll is not allowed.
- Private vehicles within a 200-meter radius of polling stations (used by owners or their families) are restricted from entering during voting hours.
- Within 100 meters of polling stations on poll day, the following acts are prohibited:
a) Canvassing for votes
b) Displaying campaign-related posters or banners
c) Persuading electors not to vote for a particular candidate
d) Persuading electors not to vote at all
e) Using loudspeakers or amplifying devices
f) Disorderly behavior
g) Using loudspeakers during the 48-hour period before poll closing time
Note: House-to-house visits for door-to-door campaigning are allowed during the 48-hour period.

This order is passed ex-parte under Section 144 Cr.P.C and will be in effect from 17:00 Hrs on 17/04/2024 to midnight on 20/04/2024. Violation of this order is punishable under Section 188 IPC.