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Department of Business Administration, Tezpur University Organizes Orientation Program for Newly Admitted Students

The Department of Business Administration, Tezpur University, organized an orientation program titled “Deeksharambh” today (July 29, 2024) to welcome the newly admitted students in the Department for the academic year 2024-25. The event was held in the council hall of the University, attended by newly admitted students, faculty members, and distinguished former alumni of the Department.

Noted alumni, Dr. Rouhin Deb, Chief Economist, Chief Minister’s Secretariat, Government of Assam and Dr. Miftahul Barbaruah, Director at Vet Helpline India Pvt Ltd, were present on the occasion. Delivering the first alumni orientation talk, Dr. Barbaruah familiarized the students with the department’s ethos, academic programs, and the various opportunities available for holistic development. He shared his experience of how the department shaped his life.

Addressing the gathering as guest of honor, Dr. Rouhin Deb emphasized the importance of a robust foundation in business education and encouraged the students to embrace the diverse learning experiences that the university offers. He urged the students to work hard and pursue their dreams with self-belief. He also reminded everyone of the nation’s commitment to the poor.

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Delivering the Deeksharambh address, Prof. Shambhu Nath Singh, Vice-Chancellor of the University, explained to the students the tradition of Guru-Shishya bonding. He said that learning is not just about passing on the legacy of knowledge and wisdom to the next generation but also includes igniting the pupils’ minds to ask new questions. The Vice-Chancellor, however, informed that the universities are not placement agencies but provide the necessary skills and assistance to excel in life.

The program included interactive sessions where students had the opportunity to learn about the University, academic information, and students’ activities from various speakers of the Department including Prof. Chandan Goswami, Dean, School of Management Sciences, Prof. M. K. Sarma, former Dean, Academic Affairs, and Dr. Tridib R. Sarma, Head, Department of Business Administration.


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