5-year-old girl killed by a high speeding dumper at Borghat area in Tezpur; massive protest erupted

Tezpur, Nov 7 : Fatal road accident takes place in Tezpur where a 5-year-old girl was run over by a high-speeding dumper, loaded full of sand. The accident took place in front of Borghat Police Outpost in Tezpur, Sonitpur. The deceased has been identified as Anusriya Pal.
According to reports, Anusriya Pal, a resident of Golaghat Ghiladhari, had come to her maternal uncle’s house in Barghat. On her way to the market with her mother in the morning hours of November 7, a high-speeding sand-filled dumper bearing number AS 12 AC 4918 ran over the child.
The incident has now created a furore in the entire area and the untimely death of a 5-year-old girl has now sent shockwaves across the region.