Centre for Endangered Languages (CFEL), Tezpur University organized a Book Release Ceremony on June 14, 2022. Prof V. K. Jain, Vice-Chancellor of Tezpur University graced the programme as the Chief Guest. Prof M. M. Sharma, retired Professor of the department of EFL, Tezpur University was virtually present as the guest of honour. Heads of various departments of the University, research associates and field assistants of the centre, language informants, faculties, research scholars and students of the Department of Linguistics and Language Technology were present at the ceremony. Former members of the centre presently working in various universities attended the programme virtually.

Four books, titled The Phonetics and Phonology of Baite, Hrangkhol, Khelma, Onaeme, Purum, Liangamai and Yimchunger, The Morphology of Baite, Hrangkhol, Khelma, Onaeme, Purum, Liangamai and Yimchunger, The Syntax of Baite, Hrangkhol, Khelma, Onaeme, Purum, Liangamai and Yimchunger, Yimchunger Yutha Chingnu Anikhitpu Khehum: A Learner’s book of the Yimchunger Language were released at the event by the Chief Guest. Publication of these books was in line with the mandates proposed by the UGC for the centre to produce and publish books, dictionaries and reading materials.

Prof. Madhumita Borbora, Coordinator of CFEL, in her welcome address, congratulated all personnel associated with the centre- research associates, field assistants, informants and faculties for their contribution to the documentation of several lesser-known languages of North-East India. She also highlighted that books on ethnolinguistics as well as dictionaries are underway. Prof. Gautam K. Borah, HoD, Department of linguistics and language technology in his speech mentioned high praises for the books from experts like Scott DeLancey. Congratulating everyone working in the centre, Prof. Farheena Danta, the Dean of School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Tezpur University, appreciated the centre for not only documenting and recording the languages but also moving to the later phases of linguistic analysis. In his address, Dr. Mukesh Saikia, Librarian, Central Library, TU reminisced the role of M.K Chaudhuri, the former VC of the university in the establishment of the centre. Chief guest V. K. Jain expressed his appreciation for the sincerity and dedication shown by the members of the centre. “Languages not only characterize a community but also act as cultural assets as they carry the traditional knowledge bases. In this context, the books published from the centre will be extremely useful,” he said. The informants from Hrangkhol and Yimchung communities expressed gratitude towards the centre for undertaking the task of documenting their languages.