Assam : DSE lays down guidelines for admission of students into Class 11

The Secondary Education Department of Assam has laid down guidelines to streamline the process of admission of students into Class 11. The guidelines laid down allows all schools including all schools/colleges recognized by AHSEC or CBSE, all AHSEC affiliated schools, all schools with permission unto class 10 intending to start Class 11 and all Non-affiliated/Unrecognized schools under AHSEC; to admit students into Class 11 with the help of a common admission portal. All such educational institutions will have to first register themself in the online portal.
The admission will be carried out on the basis of the digital marksheet given by SEBA, the details of which will be preloaded into the portal. The students will first have to register themselves and record their choice in order of preference for maximum number of five institutions. The Educational institutions will then be able to choose the students from the portal and henceforth the student can lock his choice and take admission. The guidelines has also stated that all Class 11 students must be admitted through this portal only.

All those institutions who have permission for Class 10 and desire to start Class 11 must apply for registration to the Secondary Education Department under the guideline said down by the Non-Government Educational Institutions Act 2006. On receipt of Application the DSE and AHSEC will given them temporary recognition to start Class 11 from this year.
On an important note, the guidelines also highlighted the fact that no affiliated institution must admit students from non-affiliated private institutions as their own because this time all non-affiliated/un-recognized school/junior college/college can now admit students themselves in the name of their own school/junior college/college in the common admission portal.
All non-affiliated/un-recognized school/junior college/colleges must register l themselves first in the common admission portal.

The above guidelines have been laid considering the number of students that passed this year is 397121 which is 93.18% against last year’s 64.80%. After assessment, a shortage of about 80000 seats in class XI is being foreseen.
Hence to ensure that maximum students get admission and no student blocks seats at multiple institutions like the past, these steps have been adopted. Team Tezpur Buzz wholeheartedly appreciates the steps taken by the Honorable Minister of Education and the Government of Assam in the regard.