Award Distribution Ceremony for the Wisdom Talent Search Examination, 2022 was held at Wisdom Senior Secondary School on 14.04. 2022. The Scholarship test was conducted in the month of Arpil, 2022 for the students of class X appearing the HSSCL Examination.

Almost 40 students had appeared the test, out of which top six meritorious students were awarded Cash prize along with scholarship on admission fees. The first and second position winner was Ms Rimismita Tamuly of Christ Jyoti High Schoo and Aditya Newar of Don Bosco High School, respectively. They were given a cash prize of Rs 5000/- and 100% scholarship on admission fees. The third and forth position was bagged by Bhargav Kinkar Das and Mriganka Sekhar Pathak of Don Bosco High School.

They were awarded with a cash prize of Rs 3000/- and 50% scholarship on admission fees. The fifth and sixth position was grabbed by Niloy Sharma and Debasish Baishya of Don Bosco High School. They were given a cash prize of Rs 2000/- and 30% scholarship on Admission fees.
All the other participants were presented a certificate of participation. The ceremony was attended by the candidates along with their guardians and the faculties of Wisdom Senior Seconday School.The Next Phase of Wisdom Talent Search Examination will be held on 29.05.2022.