Assam’s Subhankar Banerjee receives Public Relations Council of India’s Chanakya award at Goa

Guwahati, Sep 18 : Guwahati based PR agency Seven Sense Communication’s Founder and Director Subhankar Banerjee has received PRCI’s most prestigious award “Chanakya” at the 15th PRCI Global Conclave at Goa. Subhankar Banerjee is the first person to receive PRCI’s Chanakya Award from Northeast India under the age of 30. He has been selected under the category “Outstanding contributions made by corporate and institutions – PR / Communications”. He has recieved the PRCI Chanakya award from Hon’ble CM of Goa Shri Pramod Sawant.
Subhankar Banerjee on the occasion said, “To be honest I never expected to receive the Chankaya award so soon, it’s a big moment for me, and when I learned I am the first one from Assam to receive PRCI’s Chanakya award that made my moments more special.”

“Public Relations industry is growing in Assam, this award might motivate young communications students to pursue a career in Public Relations, and my next motive is to connect more and more universities, colleges and communications institutes under YCC club”, he added.
Subhankar Banerjee is the General Secretary of PRCI Guwahati Chapter and the Director of Young Communicators Club Northeast Chapter (YCC Northeast) which is a student’s wing of PRCI. PRCI and YCC help bridging the gap between professions and students. Born on 3rd April 2004 PRCI now has over 50 chapters in India, PRCI strives to enrich professional development and aids networking opportunities to further the cause of the profession.