LGBRIMH Tezpur Celebrates World Social Work Day 2024: Fostering Transformative Change

The Department of Psychiatric Social Work, LGBRIMH Tezpur observed the World Social Work Day on the 19th March 2024. Every year, the third Tuesday in March is earmarked to recognize the contributions of professional social workers towards promoting social justice, human rights, social development and innovations in the field of professional social work. The theme for this year is ‘Buen Vivir: Shared Future for Transformative Change’, which underscores the need for a collective, inclusive, harmonious and balanced all round development for the wellbeing of humanity and coexistence with nature. To commemorate this day, the Department of Psychiatric Social Work organized a panel discussion on the theme.

The discussion was chaired by Dr. S.K. Deuri, Director, LGBRIMH. The panellists were Prof. Debarshi Prasad Nath- Professor in the Department of Cultural Studies, Tezpur University, Dr. Monisha Behal, Founder and former Executive Director of North East Network, Dr. Samhita Barooah- Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, Tezpur University and Prof. Srilatha Juvva- Centre for Equity and Justice for Children and Families, School of Social Work -TISS, Mumbai.

The program started with lamp lighting ceremony followed by a welcome address by Dr. Sonia P Deuri, Professor and Head, Department of Psychiatric Social Work, LGBRIMH. The address emphasized the importance of the day for professional social workers. It was made known that for the first time in the history of the discipline in India, the professionals are in the process of being recognised by the National Commission for Allied Healthcare Professional (NCAHP). Dr SK Deuri, Director of LGBRIMH, initiated the panel discussion with an address on the context and background for reaching across systems in society.

Prof. Debarshi Prasad Nath, Professor opened the discussion with his perspectives on the Contribution of Culture in Transforming Society. Dr. Monisha Behal, spoke on the area of Women as Change Agents for a Shared Future while Dr. Samhita Barooha, presented her views on Fostering Change through Inclusivity. Prof. Srilatha Juvva, spoke on the topic Transformative Change for Mental Health and Wellbeing. All the presentations, discussion and interactive session were well received by the audience. Dr Sonia P Deuri concluded the panel discussion by summarizing the pertinent points that were raised by the panelists and the audience. The panel discussion was attended by 180 persons drawn from LGBRIMH and School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Tezpur University.

The MPhil trainees and Ph D Scholars of the Department of Psychiatric Social Work, put up a short enactment, directed by Bhaswab Jyoti Goswami, ( an alumni of the dept of PSW, LGBRIMH) titled Ashes of Hatred- A Silent Saga, highlighting the consequences of communal violence and it’s biopsychosocial impact on the society. Dr. Amaresha C, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatric Social Work, rendered the vote of thanks.