Tezpur, October 01 : As part of mental health awareness month, a panel discussion on the theme ‘Mental Health in an Unequal World’ was observed through online mode at LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health on 1st October, 2021. The inaugural program started with Dr Arunjyoti Barauh, Professor& Head, Department of Psychiatric Nursing delivering the welcome address. She extended a warm welcome towards dignitaries and participants present in the program. Dr Sudhir Gupta (Sr, CMO,SAG) Team Lead NMHP, DteGHS, MoHFW, GOI was the Chief Guest for the programme. Dr Sudhir Gupta had delivered his talk focusing on the need for positive mental health .He also talked about the various mental health prorgammes and schemes under Government of India.
Dr Rinki Sharma ADG, Directorate General of Health Service also graced the occasion. Dr S. K. Deuri, Director, LGBRIMH, also elaborated his valuable views on the theme. The panel members for the programme was Dr .Mohan Isaac, Professor of Psychiatry, University of Western Australia, Australia, Prof Kalpana Sarathy,Deputy Director, TISS, Guwahati campus, Assam, Dr Chetana Duggal, Associate Professor, Centre for Human Ecology, TISS (Mumbai), Dr Sailaxmi Gandhi, Professor and Head, Department of Nursing, NIMHANS, Bangalore, Karnataka. Faculty, staff and students from different parts of India attended the programme. The programme was organized and coordinated By Dr Arif Ali, Dr Bondona, Dr Diptarup and Dr Sideswar