Home Explore Assam Tezpur University observes International Museum Day

Tezpur University observes International Museum Day


In order to promote the role of museums, the Department of Cultural Studies, Tezpur University, on the occasion of International Museum Day celebrated across the world on May 18 organised weeklong activities. International Museum Day is coordinated by the International Council of Museums (ICOM), a non-governmental organisation dedicated to museums. This year’s theme declared by ICOM was “Museums for Education and Research” focusing on the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4, i.e Quality Education and SDG 9- Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure of United Nations.

The weeklong activities were organised from May 13-18, 2024. While inaugurating the event on May 13, 2024, Prof Shambhu Nath Singh, Vice Chancellor, Tezpur University emphasized the crucial role of museums in education and cultural preservation. “Museums serve as vital bridges between the past and the present, offering a study into history that enriches our understanding of contemporary life”, Prof Singh said. Recalling his visit to the Smithsonian, world’s largest museum, Prof Singh further added that museums not only safeguard the past but also inspire present and future generations to learn from it.

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Speaking on the occasion, Prof Farheena Danta, Dean, Humanities and Social Sciences said that the world recognizes the pivotal role museums play in education and research. “Museums are vibrant spaces that cultivate learning, inspire curiosity, and contribute to groundbreaking research”, the Dean said. Mr Abhilash Rajkhowa, District Museum Officer, Tezpur District Museum delivered an insightful talk on the topic: Redefining Museum Visits: Exploring Fresh Perspective, where he explained the methods of preserving Museums. In order to promote awareness about the importance of museums in the preservation of cultural heritage and the fostering of intercultural understanding, the Department organised exhibitions and guided museum tours of the Departmental Museum called Cultural Interpretation Centre and Neelpawan Baruah Museum of Modern Art throughout the week. The celebration attracted a diverse audience, including students, faculty, staff and local residents.




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