Chief Minister Dr Himanta Biswa Sarma addressing a press meet at Assam Administrative Staff College in Guwahati announced the Mukhyamantri Sishu Sewa Achoni for the children orphaned by COVID-19 that will provide Rs 3,500 per month to children who lose their parents to COVID-19. This scheme will also be applicable to the families in which the sole-breadwinner member died in post-Covid period.
He said that they have not differentiated anything among APL, BPL or government servants. It is a scheme for everybody.
The chief minister said the orphans who have no immediate relatives or place to live will not receive Rs 3,500 per month instead they will be shifted to hostels for their education.
“If the child is a girl, then the government would give one ‘tola’ of gold and Rs 50 thousand at her age of marriage. In addition to Rs 3,500 or hostel education, every such child will get a laptop,”CM Sarma announced.
On the other hand, CM Sarma said orphan adolescent girls will be accommodated in reputed institutions such as Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya to ensure their sensitive care and proper protection.
Talking about the pandemic situation in the state, he said that Covid-19 Situation will be better by June 7. Some restrictions might be relaxed on June 7 considering the situation. But proper ‘UNLOCK’ will not start before June 15.